
Bridging the gap between research and cure in rare gynecological cancers: where do we stand? Report from the GYNOCARE Conference in Naples (17th-18th February 2023)

The European Network for Gynecological Rare Cancer Research: from Concept to Cure (GYNOCARE COST Action CA18117), organized a two-day hybrid conference entitled: “Bridging the gap between Research and Cure in Rare Gynecological Cancers: where do we stand?”. This conference was held in the historic Aula Botazzi at the Luigi Vanvitelli University of Campania in Naples, Italy.

The aim of this conference was to showcase new approaches to improve the diagnosis and treatment of rare gynecological cancers. There were 24 invited talks by high-profile international speakers organized over 3 sessions, followed by a final roundtable. The current state of the art, and even beyond the state of the art, in the field of basic and translational research in rare gynecological cancers have been presented. Ongoing and future innovative clinical trials for rare gynecological cancers have been also discussed with the aim of designing personalized cure. The basis of and advances in pathological diagnosis of rare gynecological cancers have been outlined. The ultimate aim was to bridge the gap between the pharmaceutical industry and biotechnology companies and translational research in rare gynecological cancers, to overcome challenges in this area. The conference focused on the complex interplay of factors that contribute to susceptibility, prevention, and management of gynecological cancers, providing an excellent discussion forum on the key challenges and the latest advancements that mostly promise to propel this field forward.

Look at the Appendix with the Meeting Proceedings 



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Table of Content: Vol. 3 (No. 1) 2023 March

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