The effects of virtual reality on pain and anxiety in pediatric oncology patients
Pediatric patients undergoing cancer treatments often experience excessive pain and anxiety during medical procedures, especially those involving the insertion of needles. These feelings are usually associated with dangerous consequences such as attempts to escape and the avoidance of health care. Therefore, it is essential to improve the management of discomfort and fear to ensure appropriate care for the patients. In recent years, many studies and numerous randomized trials have been focusing on the effects of virtual reality (VR) during distressing procedures and rehabilitation sessions, and it has been reported that VR is a successful form of distraction from both pain and anxiety. This innovative form of non-pharmacological analgesic therapy has also been used together with opioids (standard care), such as morphine, while performing unpleasant therapies, successfully reducing the feelings of distress and fear compared to the patients treated with the standard medications.
This manuscript aims to analyze the most recent literature in VR for the management of pain and anxiety during cancer-related treatments in pediatric patients. The use of VR during medical procedures offers patients relaxing and pleasant scenarios. VR represents a promising strategy to alleviate the suffering and stress of pediatric patients, ensuring better patient management.
The effectiveness of Virtual Reality (VR) has proven to be promising as a potential novel form of palliative pain and anxiety management for pediatric oncology patients.